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  • Lillian Ni

Design Capstone Project 10

In the realm of innovation, understanding the weaknesses of the tools we employ is as vital as appreciating their strengths. As I continue my journey to create a transformative solution for Asian teenagers grappling with depression, I'm acutely aware of the limitations that come with the territory. In this blog post, I'll candidly address the weaknesses associated with the tools I've chosen, from AI-generated virtual characters to the Figma platform and the smart ring equipped with an Optical Heart Rate sensor.

AI-Generated Virtual Characters:

- Lack of Personalization: While AI-generated characters offer convenience, they may lack the personalized touch that comes with user-created avatars. Building one's character, like in a game, allows for intricate customization, fostering a sense of ownership and connection that AI-generated characters might not replicate.

- Precision in Expression: Crafting a character manually allows users to express themselves precisely. AI-generated characters may not fully capture the nuances of a user's personality or appearance, potentially leading to a disconnect between the user and their virtual companion.

- Limited Creative Control: AI-generated characters rely on algorithms, which means users have limited creative control over the character's design and personality. This could be a drawback for those who wish to have complete artistic freedom.

Figma for Prototyping:

- Offline Accessibility: Figma's cloud-based nature, while advantageous for collaboration, may pose challenges in situations with limited internet access. Users dependent on offline work may find themselves restricted.

- Limited Animation Capabilities: While Figma excels at static designs and prototyping, its animation capabilities are somewhat limited compared to specialized animation software. This could be a limitation for projects requiring complex animations.

Smart Ring with Optical Heart Rate Sensor:

- Functionality vs. Smartwatches: Smart rings, while fashionable, may not offer as many functions as smartwatches. Users accustomed to the extensive features of smartwatches may find the smart ring lacking in comparison.

- Accuracy Challenges: Although depression often correlates with increased heart rate, distinguishing this from other activities like exercise or stress can be challenging. Ensuring the smart ring accurately detects depression-related heart rate patterns is a complex endeavor that requires ongoing refinement.

- Limited User Base: The adoption of smart rings is still relatively low compared to smartwatches or fitness trackers. This could limit the reach of the solution, as not all users may be inclined to wear a ring regularly.

Acknowledging the weaknesses of our tools is integral to refining and optimizing my project. While AI-generated virtual characters may lack some of the personalization and precision of user-created avatars, Figma's learning curve and limited animation capabilities could pose challenges in design, and smart rings may face functionality limitations compared to smartwatches. However, these weaknesses are not insurmountable barriers but rather opportunities for growth and improvement. As the project progresses, these weaknesses will be addressed, ensuring that the final product offers a seamless, empowering, and effective experience for Asian teenagers battling depression.


ChatGPT4 has been used to format my words


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